In my previous post on Ecto I said that it was not possible to have differing text styles in MarsEdit but I now have to refute that claim.
It is of course possible, if not readily apparent how to achieve it. To do this you have to create the HTML mark up text yourself using the Markup editor. Once you have done so it is a simple matter of entering some text and then applying the style that you have created
as in this example.
Not as easy to achieve as in Ecto but it does work. The HTML used to turn the selected text to Comic Sans is as follows:
<span style="font-family: 'Comic Sans MS';"></span>
By creating the opening markup with an 'asktext' directive you can enter the name of the font family at the time that you apply the style as I have done here, below is what the opening markup looks like.
<span style="font-family: '#asktext Enter Text:#';">
This is fine as long as you know the name of the font you want to use! I don't really use too many different fonts so it will not be a problem for me to create separate styles for the ones I use.