Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Well, I'm testing various blogging software for the Mac to see which one will be the one I end up using on a permanent basis.

At present I am trying 3 different ones:

  • Ecto
  • MarsEdit
  • Blogo

I have been using Ecto for a few days and it isn't too bad though it does have a few quirks, but then I think all of them will have. I also tried iBlog but gave up more or less straight away when I couldn't find where to define the blog site! Might be that it does not support direct connection.

This is the first post using Blogo. The initial setup was very easy just clicked on the Blogspot icon, changed 'mysite' to 'photolouis', entered the user ID and password and that was it.

The editor is pretty simple and uncluttered, though fairly basic. There appears to be no HTML Tag highlighting when in HTML edit mode, which may not be an issue if you never want to edit raw data.

Now I need to be able to link to an image on Flickr, so how easy is that going to be I wonder?

Well that was really not that easy. When you go through the insert process using the bookmarklet all appears well until you post and then Blogo tries to upload the photo to Picasa, not quite what I had in mind! A bit of a Google and I found this post, unfortunately that didn't appear to work for me, all I could do was paste the Flickr HTML directly into the HTML editor, not a show stopper just a right royal pain! Have emailed support and will see what response we get back.

Other than that not too bad so far.

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